PoliciesBaptism According to the Scriptures all believers are to baptized upon profession of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Mt. 28:18-20, Acts 2:38, Mt. 3:13-16). This baptism is by immersion whereby the believer is immersed under water and brought up to symbolize their personal conversion and to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ(Romans 6:3-4). We therefore do not practice infant baptism or any form of baptism that we believe to be inconsistent with the Scriptures. We currently conduct baptism for members on the second Sunday of each month during the 10:30 am service. Each baptism candidate is required to attend a Baptismal class and a New Members class, if they have recently joined the church, prior to the baptism ceremony. The baptism class is held at 9:00a.m. prior to the service. The baptism candidate is to bring a change of clothing and remain for the duration of the Sunday morning service to be awarded a baptism certificate at the end of the service. If someone is interested in being baptized they will need to call the church office and make an appointment with one of the pastors for further guidance. New Member Orientation All new members of Takoma Park Baptist Church are required to complete a new member class. The New Member class is currently held on Sunday Morning at 9:00am and runs for four consecutive weeks. This class is essential in reinforcing a basic understanding of what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to be a part of his church. You will also learn about the history and structure of TPBC and how you can use your gifts and talents to serve in this church community. The New Member's class is for new members, but if you are a member of TPBC and would like a refresher course in Christian basics and the inner workings of your church, you are welcome to attend. If you are interested in becoming a member, and would like to sign up for the New Member's class, you will need to call the church office and speak to one of the pastors. Baby Dedication Service Baby or infant dedications are held on Sunday mornings during the regular worship services. These special ceremonies are designed to give parents, grandparents, and guardians an opportunity to publically dedicate their child to God (1Samuel 1:27-28, Luke 2:22). While the baby dedication is a very special moment, it does not reflect upon the baby's personal faith. This event is not the same as an infant baptism, nor does it guarantee a child will grow up to follow Christ. It does however, challenge and encourage the child's parents, grandparents, guardians, and the church family, of which this family is a part, to raise and encourage this child in such a way as to be a positive witness and influence so that the baby can grow up to one day accept Christ and live for him. Those who desire to have their infant or baby dedicated must: 1) Call the church office and make an appointment with someone on the pastoral staff. During this appointment you will discuss the purpose of a baby dedication ceremony, who is to be involved, the components, and the date and time the event will take place. This should be done 4 to 6 weeks in advance of the actual ceremony. 2) Be at the church to meet with the pastor and/or Deacon(s) prior to the 10:30 am service on the morning of the dedication ceremony for final review and questions. Wedding Policy The Wedding Policy at Takoma Park Baptist Church is based on the Biblical teaching that marriage is the foundational relationship to all other human relationships and institutions. As taught in the Scriptures, it is a relationship between and man and a woman (Genesis 1:26-27, 2:19-24); involves entering a covenant between a husband, wife, and God and should therefore be approached in a serious manner(Matthew 19:4-6, Malachi 2:13-16a);and operates best in connection with and under the guidance of the local church and the authority of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:22-33, Colossians 3:18-25, Hebrews 13:4). The following guidelines and requirements are established to honor and celebrate the institution of marriage and to facilitate an unforgettable and joyful beginning for the couple to be married.